Conservation and Community

We Support Conservation Organizations and Women Around the World

Brown trout, brook trout, with mallard and wood ducks.

"The earth is not the environment, something outside of us that we need to care for. The earth is us. Taking care of the earth, we take care of ourselves."

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Conservation Organizations

Supporting Our North American Wetlands and Flyways

Bridger Leather is a proud member of and supports with donations to both Trout Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited. Both organizations direct their endeavors towards conserving and safeguarding North America's most precious natural resources and are supported by donations and volunteer involvement to ensure the continued preservation of these invaluable assets.

The women of Braverly, a not for profit organization in Thailand

"Helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person."

- Author Unknown

Product Collaborations

Supporting Women around the World...

Bridger Leather's pillow and tote dust covers are made by BRAVERLY, a not-for-profit organization located on the Thailand/Myranmar border. Braverly exists to see a community of women empowered, trained, and equipped with the tools to provide for their families, walk in confidence and truth, and impact nations.

" Nature always wears the color of spirit. "

Gorgeous Design
Exceptional Quality

Handmade with Love under the Sun and Stars of Montana